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Preventative & Restorative CareHampton, VA

Here at Atlantic Periodontics & Implants, we understand that prevention and restoration are essential to transform oral health and preserve both smile wellness and overall well-being. Many people don’t realize the influence that teeth and gum tissue can have on their health holistically and their quality of life, which is why it’s so important to receive high-quality care and education from skilled professionals like us.

Our Hampton, VA team is committed to providing high-quality preventative and restorative care services to help you maintain healthy gums and teeth. With our support, you can prevent smile concerns and restore quality health in the event of any damage. Read below to learn more about our services!

Biopsy & Pathology Surgery

Oral cancer is a serious condition that can have significant consequences if not detected and treated early. At Atlantic Periodontics & Implants, we offer biopsy and pathology surgery services to diagnose and treat any oral abnormalities that may indicate cancer.

  • During a biopsy, a small sample of tissue is taken from the affected area and sent to our lab for analysis. 
  • Our team uses state-of-the-art technology and techniques to ensure an accurate and reliable pathology report. 
  • Once the diagnosis is confirmed, our team will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs.

In addition to cancer detection, our biopsy and pathology surgery services can also identify other oral health issues, such as infections, inflammation, and other abnormalities. Early detection and treatment of these issues can help prevent further damage and promote overall oral health. With our cutting-edge technology and expertise, we can help identify and address any potential oral health issues promptly.

Occlusal Bite & Night Guards

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can cause extensive damage to your teeth and tension in the jaw joints, leading to pain and discomfort. We provide custom-made occlusal bite and night guards to protect your teeth and alleviate any discomfort associated with bruxism or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). These devices will help reduce the pressure on your jaw and protect your teeth from wear and tear.

If you are experiencing symptoms of bruxism or TMD, don’t hesitate to contact us for a consultation. We can provide you with a custom-made occlusal bite or night guard to protect your teeth and alleviate any discomfort associated with these conditions.

Bone Grafting

Bone loss can be a major concern for patients with advanced gum disease or tooth loss. By replacing missing bone structures with bone grafts, the lost density can be restored to support dental implants and rebuild anatomical integrity. At Atlantic Periodontics & Implants, our team of experts provides bone grafting procedures to restore your oral form and promote optimal oral health.

  • During the bone grafting procedure, we utilize either synthetic material or a small piece of cadaver bone and graft it onto the affected area. 
  • Over time, the graft integrates with your existing bone tissue, promoting new bone growth and restoring the structure of your jawbone.

Gum Grafting

Receding gums can be caused by a variety of factors—including gum disease, aggressive brushing, and genetics. Left untreated, this recession can lead to tooth sensitivity, root decay, and even tooth loss. 

The purpose of gum grafting is to restore lost gum tissue—thereby preventing damage to the exposed root surfaces of the teeth and ensuring better oral health.

  • During the gum grafting procedure, a small piece of gum tissue is taken from another part of your mouth or a donor source and grafted onto the affected area. 
  • Over time, the graft will integrate with your existing gum tissue, reestablishing its shape, structure, and health.

Choosing Atlantic Periodontics & Implants means choosing a practice that prioritizes your comfort, satisfaction, and overall health. Our commitment to excellence and our patient-centered approach sets us apart from other practices, ensuring that our patients receive the best possible preventative and restorative care at every visit. 

We are committed to providing comprehensive services to ensure optimal oral health, and we strive to provide a comfortable and stress-free environment for our patients. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the highest level of periodontal care available!

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